Tuesday, December 29, 2009

С Новым Годом!

Happy New Year! It'll be 2010 in two days and it's really exciting because New Year celebration is really important here. They go all out for this celebration and so far it has been really interesting. On Saturday, I went to an orphanage with the Vlad-eco Roterat Club. It was alot of fun! They have games and presents for the kids and it was just really nice to be there and spend time with them. On Sunday, I went to the Roteract Clubs' New Years Paty, which was also a good time.

While I have been here I have been thinking alot about my life, my goals, my past, the present, my future.... I am really happy that I took this year off because it has given me an opportunity to step back and look at myself and my life and re-evaluate it. It has made me do alot of something I didn't do at home... think. Think about who I am, what I am, what I want to be and what I have to do to achieve those things. I am looking forward to the next 6 1/2 months and coming back to the U.S. a different person that had a life changing experience.

"A year? What is a year? All time is relative. One day may be a lifetime, a year can be forever. It is not the number of days, but what goes into those days..."

-Louis L'amour

1 comment:

  1. woah. great to see you've updated your blog. to be honest, i gave up on it after months of fruitlessly checking for an update. sorry for my lack of devotion.

    good to see that you are well and are thinking now. :P

    i'll keep the big macs warm for you. when you get back, i promise to buy you one whenever you ask. :)
